
Gemiddelde score 660 Beoordelingen
Victoire B genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) Our favorite restaurant in Paris! (Original) Notre restaurant préféré de Paris !

11 uur geleden
SH genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) I haven't starved in a while, but I never thought Korean food would be this delicious!!! Hahaha. Thanks to the kindness of the owner and staff, I ate a lot and was really happy both physically and mentally. ^^ (Original) 그동안 안굶고 다녔는데~ 한식이 이렇게 맛있을줄이야!!! ㅎㅎㅎ 사장님과 직원분의 친절까지 더해서 푸짐하게 배터지게 먹고 몸도 마음도 정말 행복했습니다 감사드려요^^

2 dagen geleden
Kwak Family genoteerd op Google

Excellent Korean with truly Korean flavored food! It was almost as if we were eating food made by my mother, especially the kimchi soup and bulgogi. Basically, all dishes, including the side dishes, were really good! It was also quite ine,pensive cared to those in the US. The meat used for the bulgogi appeared to be of good quality as well. We shall return when we are back in town.

2 dagen geleden
A 2705 genoteerd op Google

3 dagen geleden
Miguel Alfaro genoteerd op Google

This is truly a gem!!! Everything was amazing. We also got the kimchi jigae and it was outstanding

8 dagen geleden
mickael Intins genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) Good and inexpensive lunch menu One starter, one main course (Original) Menu dejeuner bon et pas cher Une entree un plat

9 dagen geleden
Sharing Is Power分享吧 genoteerd op Google

That was a quick search on google map and I was glad to try it out. Food was on point and the staffs speak English as well. Waitress was attentive. I finished everything ordered even the 🍚 😂

10 dagen geleden
邓香江 genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious food, very easy to eat!!! (Original) Món ăn ngon, rất dễ ăn!!!

11 dagen geleden
fab zab genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) We had a Grilled Beef with Korean sauce and it was delicious, the staff took great care, explaining to us how to taste the dish and always ready to bring us vegetables. We will come back with pleasure, thank you. (Original) Nous avons pris une Grillade de boeuf a la sauce coréen et c'était délicieux, le personnel au petit soin, nous expliquant comment déguster le plat et toujours prêt a nous ramener des légumes. On reviendra avec plaisir, merci a vous.

13 dagen geleden
朴晶梅 genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) After arriving there, I searched for Asian food for the first time in a few days and found this restaurant.The interior is casual, but it has a mysterious atmosphere that suits any type of customer. You can feel the owner's commitment to cost performance while also not compromising on quality. (Original) 現地に着いて何日振りにアジアフード食べたくて探したらこの店見つかりました、店内はカジュアルでいながら、どんな客層にもマッチするような雰囲気を持っている不思議なお店です。コストパフォーマンスにもこだわりつつ、品質もゆずらないといった店主の気持ちが伝わってきます。

28 dagen geleden