
Gemiddelde score 660 Beoordelingen
Daniel Hwang genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) The power of Korea! I went during lunch time and was impressed to see the restaurant full of local Parisians. We are visiting with our children and we are satisfied. I highly recommend a Korean restaurant near the Arc de Triomphe. (Original) 한국의 파워! 점심시간에 갔는데 현지 파리인들로 가득찬 식당을 보고 감동했어요. 저희는 아이들과 함께 방문중인데 만족합니다. 개선문 근처 한식당 강추입니다.

2 maanden geleden
Ai Kitazume genoteerd op Google

the nice owner and nice food:)

3 maanden geleden
aastha sethi genoteerd op Google

The kimchi pancakes were one of the best I have had! The pork dishes were really good and so was their fried tofu. They don't have too many vegetarian options so if you have mixed dietary preferences in the group, it could be a challenge. But I highly recommend this if you eat meat.

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Simon Perreault genoteerd op Google

3 maanden geleden
Tuyen Doan genoteerd op Google

Belle adresse qui ne paie pas de mine de l’extérieur, mais qui permet de découvrir des vraies saveurs coréennes. Excellent barbecue bœuf bulgogi. A découvrir pour une note sucrée en fin de repas : la crêpe coréenne au thé vert 👌 (Translated by Google) Beautiful address which doesn't look like much from the outside, but which allows you to discover real Korean flavors. Excellent bulgogi beef barbecue. To discover for a sweet note at the end of a meal: the Korean pancake with green tea 👌

3 maanden geleden
AVB_ genoteerd op Google

Une adresse qui rentre en fanfare dans mon mapster. Une cuisine qui transporte à Séoul et un service très bienveillant. (Translated by Google) An address that fits into my mapster with fanfare. Cuisine that transports you to Seoul and very friendly service.

3 maanden geleden
김학규 genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) French food solved a lot of my complaints. I was able to calm my stomach somewhat with the beef stew. However, it lacks the cool and spicy feeling like in Korea. (Original) 프랑스 음식으로 니글거립을 많이 해결해 주었습니다. 육개장으로 다소 속을 진정 시킬수 있었습니다. 그러나 한국에서 처럼 시원하고 매운 느낌은 조금 부족합니다

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hicham asswan car genoteerd op Google


3 maanden geleden
Guigui Cham genoteerd op Google

Un petit îlot de cuisine de qualité dans un quartier où tout est bien fade (Translated by Google) A small, quality kitchen island in a neighborhood where everything is very bland

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YT Kim genoteerd op Google

(Translated by Google) I went for lunch because the rating was good. The food was clean and delicious, and the owner and staff were friendly. It was cozy because the food was served in brassware, and what I especially liked was that the space between the tables was wide, so there was no need to sit close to other guests. I had beef stew and it was delicious. (Original) 평점이 좋아서 점심을 먹으러 갔는데, 음식 깔끔하고 맛있고, 사장님과 스텝도 친절. 놋그릇에 음식이 나와서 정겨웠고, 특히 맘에 든 것은 테이불간 간격이 넓어서 단 손님들과 다닥다닥 붙어 앉을 필요가 없다는 점. 육개장을 먹었는데 맛있었음.

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